How to dispose of diapers

From the point of view of ecology, the question of disposing of diapers is quite acute, especially considering the fact that the time of their complete natural decomposition is hundreds of years. Surprised? For the sake of reliability, diapers are made of sufficiently chemically resistant materials, which is why it is not recommended to burn them, as the products of combustion can be toxic to the environment.

How does an average mother deal with used diapers? There are several options:

  • simply folds the diaper and sends it to the trash;
  • folds the diaper, puts it in a plastic bag and sends it to the trash can;
  • uses bag sealer for disposal;
  • uses storage device or container for used diapers.

In any of the four options, the diaper is sent to the garbage chute and then to the city dump.

Are there any greener solutions? It turns out there is! True, so far only in world practice, but sometimes they are very original.


So, for example, in one of the universities of Mexico City, they found out that the inner absorbent layer of diapers is great for … to grow mushrooms in it! Yes, yes, do not be surprised, oyster mushrooms.

Pre-filler, of course, is treated with steam for sterility, then bags are filled with it, and oyster pellets are filled into the slots of which. Bags are left in rooms in which a special temperature is maintained. To taste, composition and usefulness of these mushrooms are no different from their traditional counterparts.

The only difficulty in introducing a new technology is that multiple processing of the filler with steam is quite expensive, but university laboratories are working to resolve this issue.


If it is not economically feasible to grow mushrooms with the help of used diapers, then they are ideal as building materials. And it was not announced by anyone, but by British scientists.

Having calculated that every little inhabitant of foggy Albion from birth to the moment he starts using the pot needs as many as 6 thousand diapers, they offered a unique scheme of their processing. British experts make soft roofing tiles and other building materials from the top layer of diapers, which they estimate are very reliable and cheap.

The British believe that the diaper roof is a great, not only ecological, but also an economic find. After all, there will be no problems with the availability of such raw materials in Britain – about 500 thousand tons of diapers are used in the country annually.


Canada went further than Britain and has even opened its first factory for the processing of used diapers. As a result of processing in special furnaces they get a solid plastic tile.

The slogan of the campaign carried out by the processing plant was the statement “Buy diapers for a roof over your head!” And in this appeal there is not a word of untruth, as a rule, there are no supply disruptions at the plant.

But that’s not all, in the Canadian Québec, AMEC Corporation plans to launch a plant that would produce biodiesel fuel for industrial use with the help of pyrolysis (heating used diapers without air access).

Of course, chemists have so far this program raises numerous questions, but the idea itself, you see, is interesting to enlightened. In addition, the authors claim that the cost of biofuels obtained from the processing of used diapers is ten times lower than traditional prices.

The first attempts to create diapers began in the 1940s.
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